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North Haverhill

North Haverhill United Methodist Church is a vibrant congregation located in the heart of the community of North Haverhill. The church has been serving the area for over 150 years. The church prides itself in its gifted and diverse music offerings sung by its traditional chancel choir and its large praise group known as S.H.I.N.E. (Sing His Incredible News Everywhere). The Sunday service is Spirit led and offers sermons that connect Biblical scripture to current life issues. 

Worship at North Haverhill
9:30 a.m. Sundays

The Hearts, Minds, and Doors of North Haverhill are open to everyone! We believe that everyone who walks through our doors comes at Christ's invitation. Our worship is traditional with contemporary elements added in.  The church prides itself in its gifted and diverse music offerings sung by its traditional chancel choir, the praise group known as S.H.I.N.E. (Sing His Incredible News Everywhere), and other soloists during the month.We celebrate  Holy Communion on the first Sunday each month.

Small Groups

We currently have three small groups meeting. Two are in person and one is online via Zoom.

Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Christian Education Building

This group is currently studying the Gospel of Mark. Everyone is welcome. 

Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

via Zoom

Everyone is welcome to join this virtual group. Click on the button below for the zoom link. 

Thursdays at 10:00 the Christian Education Building

Everyone is welcome to join this Bible study led by Becky and Paul Marcy.

Sunday School

Wednesday Fellowship

Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We have Sunday school for children each Sunday morning. The children gather for worship in the sanctuary and go to the Christian Education Building for Sunday school following the Children's sermon

Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.

During the Winter we gather in the fellowship room for an afternoon of games and fellowship. When it warms up, we will be planning weekly activities that could include attending plays and movies, going kayaking or hiking or other fun activities. 

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United Women
in Faith

The United Women in Faith, formerly known as the United Methodist Women, meet the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room in the church building. This active group gathers for fellowship and for mission projects

The Crafty

The Crafty Souls meet periodically to make crafts for various occasions. Last Christmas, they made Scandinavian star ornaments for the attendees of the Community Christmas program. They also made crosses as gifts for those who attended the lenten supper we hosted. 

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