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Come celebrate the presence of Christ in a welcoming and casual atmosphere. With accomplished musicians, the worship at Warren is vibrant and inspiring. We worship in the basement. The entrance is on the side of the church facing the school.

Worship at Warren
8:00 a.m. Sundays

Worship at Warren is like a warm family gathering. Come be a part of this family of faith.  

Bible Study

Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.


This small group meets in the Fellowship Hall. We are in the midst of a study of the Gospel of Mark. 


The second Tuesday of each month from September through April, we have a spaghetti supper. This is a fundraiser to raise money for building improvements. We are saving to paint the church building and then we will raise money to improve the kitchen. We don't charge for the meal, but do accept donations

 Meals for the Homebound

The third Wednesday of each month we deliver meals to local residents who are homebound. We are currently serving over 30 people.  The main cook at Calamity Jane's, a local diner, is the primary chef for these delicious meals. 

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